Contra factos..

Para os indecisos da Herbalife:

Descobri hoje que o fundador da Herbalife morreu há uns anos, com a prosaica idade de 44, com uma enxurrada de comprimidos, drogas avulsas e, pasme-se, herbalife.

Mas já dizia o outro, não há má publicidade certo?

Partilha-me toda, eu gosto

8 comentários em “Contra factos..

  1. Bom …

    Já te tinha viste ser tendenciosa … mas isto ???

    Qual é o facto que conheces ? Que o sr. morreu ? O resto pode ser verdade, mas sugerir relação entre isso e a raio dos batidinhos e comprimidos não é digno da tua inteligência 😛

    Olhe o rigor Dra, olhe o rigor …


  2. FACTOS:

    apresento excerto minísculo de uma sentença decretada nos EUA em 86 contra a Herbalife:

    “B. Representing that defendants’ products contain herbs: (1) which in and of themselves naturally curb the appetite; (2) which burn of£ calories; or, (3) which naturally cleanse the system. Defendants, however, are not restrained from representing that the herbs when used in the quantity recommended by defendants assist the natural self-cleansing function of the body, if there is a reasonable basis therefore

    C. Representing that one who uses defendants’ products will lose weight without a reduction in the user’s caloric intake.

    D. Representing that defendants’ Formula #2 is helpful for the conditions or organs enumerated in the complaint on file at page 14, lines 8-27.

    E. Representing that because of its iodine content, the use of kelp in Formula #2 is valuable in a weight reduction program.

    (…) ETC ETC ETC

    “. Defendant, Herbalife, is hereby ordered to pay to Plaintiffs, State of California, the sum of $850,000.00, as and for reimbursement to plaintiffs for costs, attorneys tees, expenses of investigation and other expenses and pursuant to Business and Professions Code Sections l7206 and 17536.”

    Moral: a herbalife portou-se mal ao proclamar efeitos que não tem e a esconder a sua composição química…apanhou multa, menos mal!

  3. Our network has been looking for a Herbalife business like yours to list in our World Directory & our forum.

    Hey, there is no cost and it will only take a few minutes for you to register!

    Your Silver Fox Business Building Team helping build your Herbalife business!

  4. Our network has been looking for a Herbalife business like yours to list in our World Directory & our forum.

    Hey, there is no cost and it will only take a few minutes for you to register!

    Your Silver Fox Business Building Team helping build your Herbalife business!

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